A dedicated unikernel for microservices

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Pong from Toro

Hi folks, last days I have been spending some time in the network stack of Toro. It is a piece of code that I am scare to touch because most the time it does not work and I cannot figure out why. So I spent some time getting the good environment for testing and a lot of patient. As a result, I fixed a bug in the ne2000 driver and in the network stack so at least I have toro kernel answering pings. I will continue in this way doing more testing on the network stack. The code is there I just have to get so time to make it work. Enjoy the screenshots! ;)

Figure 1. Toro on QEMU detecting the network stack
Figure 2. I improved the serial console debug. Now it shows more interested info.

Figure 3. TORO VM answering pings

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