In x86 arch there are 4 ring levels. Ring 0 is the most privileged level and ring 3 is the least. In a OS the kernel runs in ring 0 and the user application runs in ring 3.
Ring 0 descriptors are used by the kernel and ring 3 descriptors are used by the user. The GDT supports up to 8192 descriptors but the OS just uses 4, two for kernel´s text and data, and two for user´s text and data. With these descriptors the kernel can access to all memory, for example 4GB in 32 bits.
When the OS uses privileged levels the processor has to check if every operation is valid, these mechanisms adds latencies. In a multitasking OS protection is essential and it protects the kernel code and data.
But what happens with dedicated multithread application? It runs alone in the system and it was written carefully, we need protection in this case? guessing that, we can reduce a lot the OS.
For example, if we want to implement syscalls, we don´t need traps. If the kernel and user application are in same ring, we just may use “call” instruction to kernel´s function. Actually, OS are using interruptions for support syscalls but they are too expensive. Don´t forget that we are jumping from ring 0 to ring 3.
In other way, when we are running user application and a interruption happens, the processor has to jump from ring 3 to ring 0, that is too expensive. In general cases a kernel procedure handles the interruption. If the user application runs in the same level that the kernel, we don´t spend time in latencies.
On TORO, the kernel and user application run in ring 0. And cause the kernel and app are compiling together, the syscalls are implemented easy. It just uses “call” instruction.
Matias E. Vara
Ring 0 descriptors are used by the kernel and ring 3 descriptors are used by the user. The GDT supports up to 8192 descriptors but the OS just uses 4, two for kernel´s text and data, and two for user´s text and data. With these descriptors the kernel can access to all memory, for example 4GB in 32 bits.
When the OS uses privileged levels the processor has to check if every operation is valid, these mechanisms adds latencies. In a multitasking OS protection is essential and it protects the kernel code and data.
But what happens with dedicated multithread application? It runs alone in the system and it was written carefully, we need protection in this case? guessing that, we can reduce a lot the OS.
For example, if we want to implement syscalls, we don´t need traps. If the kernel and user application are in same ring, we just may use “call” instruction to kernel´s function. Actually, OS are using interruptions for support syscalls but they are too expensive. Don´t forget that we are jumping from ring 0 to ring 3.
In other way, when we are running user application and a interruption happens, the processor has to jump from ring 3 to ring 0, that is too expensive. In general cases a kernel procedure handles the interruption. If the user application runs in the same level that the kernel, we don´t spend time in latencies.
On TORO, the kernel and user application run in ring 0. And cause the kernel and app are compiling together, the syscalls are implemented easy. It just uses “call” instruction.
Matias E. Vara