In this post, we explain how toro's examples can be compiled, and then simulated.
1) Installs YASM and FPC/Lazarus.
$ apt-get install yasm
To install Lazarus/FPC, please follows the instruction
2) Clones TORO repository.
$ git clone git://
3) Compile tools
Before to compile the toro's examples, we have to compile the tools needed to generate the Toro's image. To do so, runs "make" at /toro/tests.
4) Toro Hello world.
The toro/tests directory has examples that can be simulated by using qemu. These are good examples to start with Toro. Here, we explain how the
hello world toro example can be compiled and simulated. To do so, it is only necessary to run:
$ bash -e
This will compile the ToroHello.pas example, and generate the ToroImage.img image, if the compilation was successfully. The "-e" parameter is used to execute qemu to perform the simulation of the generated image.
Matias E. Vara